Grey Haze Blog

  • All you Need to Know about Vapefest Shrewsbury-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    All you Need to Know about Vapefest Shrewsbury

    All you Need to Know about Vapefest Shrewsbury WHAT IS VAPEFEST? Vapefest is an annual event held in Shrewsbury in the UK during the month of August. Just like any...

    Taz Dean |

  • Person Feature of the Month: Chris Tucker-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Person Feature of the Month: Chris Tucker

    THE QUICK FIRE INTERVIEW GH: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do? CT: A little bit about me. I am originally from Texas, 27...

    Taz Dean |

  • What Does Vaping Look Like Around the World?-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    What Does Vaping Look Like Around the World?

    Well for one, not everywhere in the world is on board with our happy past time - many countries  and states have strict regulations regarding the use, sale and possession...

    Taz Dean |

  • 12 Funniest Vaping GIFs

    12 Funniest Vaping GIFs

    We’ve looked at videos, tutorials, tricks and memes, but with the rise of animated imagery trailing the internet, we thought it was about time we did a Funniest Vaping Gifs...

    Taz Dean |

  • 7 of the Best Vaping Photographs-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    7 of the Best Vaping Photographs

    Vaping has swept across the globe in all its glorified culture, and now we are seeing the healthier alternative to tobacco smoking, as a romanticised hobby through the lens of...

    Taz Dean |

  • Celebs who Vape-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Celebs who Vape

    I’m sure we’ve all heard somewhere down the grapevine about Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘controversial’ vaping habits, caught on camera at the 2016 SAG Awards. After winning his SAG Award for his...

    Taz Dean |

  • Person Feature of the Month: David Dorn-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Person Feature of the Month: David Dorn

    David Dorn is an experienced and influential vape fanatic who’s been following the growing culture of fellow e-ciggers since May 2009. The former editor of a national computing magazine and...

    Taz Dean |

  • Top 10 Vaping Jokes & Memes-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Top 10 Vaping Jokes & Memes

    Everyone loves a good chuckle, and in our office we have a bunch of jokers who each fall into their own category of humour. Some of us enjoy short and...

    Taz Dean |

  • Vaping Tricks Games: The Cloud Chasers-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Vaping Tricks Games: The Cloud Chasers

    ‘May the odds be forever in your favour’… Yes, it does sound like the title of a death-defying, fantasy sequel, but the Vaping Tricks Games are as non-fictional as the...

    Taz Dean |

  • 10 Vaping Fails-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    10 Vaping Fails

    It’s not that we are making fun of the newbies out there who are trying out vape tricks. But if you can’t learn to laugh at your mistakes then you’ll never...

    Taz Dean |

  • Vaping FAQs-Grey Haze UK Vape Shop

    Vaping FAQs

    We tend to get asked the same questions over and over – some are more advanced and technical queries; others are more generic questions about e-cigarettes that will resound with...

    Taz Dean |