What are Short Fill eLiquids, and how to use them.

Stag Digit |

We have devised a solution for our customers to continue enjoying large bottles without breaking the law. This solution means some DIY work on your part.

From May 2017 it is illegal to sell bottles larger than 10ml containing Nicotine.

It consists of a TPD registered 10ml bottle containing Nicotine called QuickNic and a larger QuickNic ready bottle containing some base and flavouring that will only be completed and ready to vape when the 10ml of QuickNic is added to it.

QuickNic is a 10ml bottle of e-liquid containing 20mg of Nicotine and no flavourings. QuickNic is not suitable to be vaped alone, and is designed for use with other e-liquids tagged with QuickNic on the product listing, or with QuickNic ready logo on the bottle.

QuickNic can be used in one of two ways.

  1.  With any 0mg Nicotine based e-liquid as a Nicotine top up, simply pour in the desired amount of quick nic to get the Nicotine you desire. However, this method is not accurate and not recommended as it will dilute the flavouring.
  2. Select a QuickNic ready product either from the e-liquid drop down menu at the top of the website, or from the e-liquid filtering page. All QuickNic ready products are clearly tagged QuickNic Ready and say so on the product description. These products are designed specifically for QuickNic and is required to complete the bottle in order to vape it.

QuickNic Ratio Guide:

  • 30ml requires 1/2 bottle of QuickNic
  • 60ml requires 1 full bottle of QuickNic
  • 120ml requires  2 full bottles of QuickNic