Look on the internet for e-cig related information or products and you will be hit with an overload of information and advice on which is best, why you should choose a specific brand and what is the best way to ensure that you quit smoking.
It is understandable really; everyone is trying to sell you something – but it doesn’t make all that information any easier to digest and certainly won’t get you any closer to choosing an e-cig.
So to make your decision a bit easier, we have put together a few recommendations of e-cig starter kits that you can purchase, which will hopefully help you stop smoking and start enjoying the unique and enjoyable taste of an e-cig.
Best Basic Starter Kit
If you are thinking about quitting smoking or you just want to give an e-cig a go then your best bet is to start with a simple kit that will ease you in to using e-cigs. They are not exactly the same as smoking and are not a direct substitute so it may take a few before you find one you like. The variable voltage e-cig kit is a great one to start with as it allows you to change the amount of vapour you inhale, making your experience more enjoyable and easier to switch to.
Best Premium Starter Kit
If you have tried a few basic kits and you know what you like then a premium kit will be perfect. With more high quality components, the premium kits will offer you a better e-cig experience and often come with a more efficient battery and a higher quality clearomizer.
A good example of an excellent premium kit is the Aspire Premium Starter Kit. It has an exceptional battery life and a new generation tank system, making it much more suited to the regular e-cig smoker than a basic kit. Most premium kits will have a more attractive e-cig, so as with any accessory, you can choose one that suits your own needs and personality.
Best Advanced Kit
The daddy of all e-cig kits is the advanced kit; and the Knight Castle kit is at the top. These advanced kits contain some stunning designs, in carbon fibre and gold and silver plate. They are designed to last, day in and day out. Many advanced kits will even work even when dropped.
So if you are thinking about purchasing an e-cig starter pack, or if you are ready to move on to the advanced kits, there really is no other place to buy them than here at Grey Haze!